Safety switches play a vital role in the well-being, health and safety of the occupants of the home. In the event of a leak within the electrical current from either an appliance or from wiring touching something it's not supposed to the safety switch will cut the power off in less than a second. This can save lives and ultimately families.
Have you ever turned an appliance on like a toaster or hairdryer and the entire house has lost power as a result? This is due to only having one safety switch being responsible for all current leaks across multiple circuits. Speak with your local electrician about increasing the number of safety switches in your home.
Fact: A broken safety switch will 9 times out of 10 not trip at all when there is a fault. You should test your safety switches regularly and if it doesn't trip when testing or if the test button gets stuck then you need to replace your safety switch.
It is recommended to have a safety switch for every circuit that you have in your home. This would typically be one for lighting, one for power points, and one for hardwire appliances such as dishwashers and ovens. Having multiple safety switches will stop the entire home from blacking out when an appliance or product faults.
If you would like more information on the installation process or would like to book one of our expert electricians to install additional safety switches give us a call today at 1300 016 671.